Monday, June 21, 2010

Crispy and Creamy Doughnuts

Adventure #2:

Mark woke up this morning and wanted to make doughnuts (we already have the frier out from the previous two days- so why not?)...Here goes! Terri even came over to help out-

We used biscuit cutters to cut the dough, maybe we'll have to invest in some sort of "doughnut" cutter?? Know where we can get one??


--It really was quite simple, and didn't take that long- the hardest part was cutting them and then finding space in our kitchen since it made a ton of doughnuts! It's a pretty cheap recipe, too, considering we didn't have to go purchase anything specific for this recipe- our kitchen was stocked with everything we needed!


Amazing. Exactly as the title says : Crispy & Creamy. We had to force
ourselves to stop eating them! Please see the link below where you can make your
own doughnuts

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